What have I decided regarding characters?
I have decided to use my cousin instead of my sister. I realised that it would not be smart to film once every two weeks because I will not have enough time and definitely will not have enough time to edit it all. So despite what I may have decided earlier about having my sister as the main character I have now told my cousing to watch at least one of the series I am filming my opening to on a parallel basis. I have also decided to start filming this weekend and continue after half-term, after half-term I will film everyday and hopefully within two weeks I shall be finished filming. Then that will leave me the rest of November to edit. I was also re-thinking my storyboard. I need to assess the storyboard and figure out whether the soundtrack is appropriate, it seems a bit to lively and jumpy and I am trying to create a serious mood. This is something that I will revisit when i have finished filming and adding the last touches to the editing.Now concerning the persona of the actor (my cousin) she is very quiet and usually excels in education, always getting the best grades so she theoretically speaking she can easily play the good half to the Character "Del" with ease however the contrasting personality she might not be as smooth as when portraying the innocent side. But practise makes perfect so the quicker I start editing the better quality it will be.