Monday, 13 January 2014

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Stereotypical Interpretation
My opening is very stereotypical as the idea that Afro-Caribbean population in London are all a menace to society.  The two types of the population have associated with one ethnicity group. On one side the positive side of those people who are good people who just get mixed up with the wrong people in the hope for a better and slightly easier life. However on the other side the select few who choose to permanently live their life in crime. From an early age these members of society have decided to fuel their lives by crime, as it is the “easiest” way to get money, some people in these social groups are so desperate to gain the finer things in life, that they are willing to take the risk despite knowing the consequence.

During my opening these two types of personality have been reflected through my two characters. The first personality (shown through the character of Del) is genuinely innocent but somewhere down the line got mixed up with the wrong people so she is forced to the point where it has got out of hand leaving her defenseless looking for a way out. On the other hand there are those who fully know the consequence of what they are doing but choose to do it anyway. This could be down to different situations, which include;
  1. They joined a gang
  2. Or it could be a case of revenge. 
  3. Due to their financial background
  4. It could be down to emotional trauma. 
But rather than following all the different types of stereotype I felt that I would revers the gender stereotype to try change the representation of women in media showing that women as a whole can be just as rough and vicious as men because some people overlook women when it comes down to the issue of violence due to the fact that women are meant to be ‘inferior’ compared to men. If we are to look at the representation of women 100 years ago.....

 .So in my 2-minute opening I have touched onto a controversial topic switching the balance on what is “normal” and what isn’t. The link to my target audience is that I have raised issues they may be able to level with in some way.  I challenged the stereotypical representation of women by making the heroin the main character and only a minor male role. The representation of women in the media has changed over time for example women are seen as more independent now, films are now becoming to the idea of female characters being stronger and more independent. 

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